USA & Canada Border Cameras at Peace Bridge

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USA & Canada Border Cameras at Peace Bridge

When you’re heading into Canada from the US out of the state of New York, or vice versa, you’ll more than likely be heading through Buffalo and over the Peace Bridge.

It’s not such a great divide to cross, but border controls can often eat into the time you’ve scheduled for the trip. With these USA and Canadian Peace Bridge border webcams, you can check out the queues on either side before you get there.

They won’t help a lot if there is a backup of cars and trucks waiting to go through, but at least you’ll know what sort of wait you’re in for before making the trip across the Niagara River. Don’t forget to have your toll fee ready as waiting for change from a hundred dollar bill will slow you down more.

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38 thoughts on “USA & Canada Border Cameras at Peace Bridge

  1. It’s December 26th and for 3 days I’ve been getting contradictory information on whether the Peace bridge is open. The border crossing app, the cameras, Google, US border security…
    Some say it’s closed. Some say it’s open and gives you an update. That was 5 minutes ago but then the webcam and there’s nothing. I’m trying every way possible to find out if the damn bridge is open. What?

    1. Ann, sorry to burst ur bubble,but if u would look at cams at 7am – 10 am usa has 6 to 7 lanes open for some time now.cnd 6pm to 10 pm 8 lane open.and going both ways they are line up on the bridge bumper to bumper.have a safe trip.

  2. 1 jan 2023.What a wonderful job on both sides of the border processing so many safe.have a good trip.

  3. pb watching for months.trucks from cnd so many they put them into a lot just to get them off the QEW.then platoon them way late after dark.I was a driver on the us side with one of the major big ten(still in biss today) handle fright with a logo.hand shake and the words,hand across the border.customs on both side doing a bang up job to get them all on their way.Maintenance keep it open rain,sleet,snow for a safe trip.a sample for others to follow.

  4. 5/22/23.wonderfull idea.send all motor homes,trailers pulled by cars throu lane 1 where trucks get cleared.great job.less jam up.loaded with traffic all going to cnd.all the way x the bridge.and a BIG thank you for the people whom did this in a very safe way.

  5. men doing good job with cars but diesel is 1 & half more which is passed on to the consumers. Help them out and we all safe out there.

  6. 7/10/23.great job on bridge.young man out there keeping cars in jumping from one lane to the other which ties up 2 lanes..bumper to bumper cars & trucks moving very slow but one point shut dn CND bound lane so 2 emergency vehicles could get too U.S.GREAT job by this man.give them all a thumbs up if u get chance.take ur time and be safe.

  7. what a great job the workers are doing on the USA side of lining up the traffic.they should be rewarded for it.keep up the good job. 8/07/23.

  8. WHAT A MESS ON USA SIDE.DRIVERS DO NOT READ SIGNS.bridge had to send man out there to clear it up.GREAT JOB DONE AGAIN.08/13/2023.

  9. date/9-19-23.5:05 pm.
    Diver ed is nonexistent.drivers can not and will not read posted signs.five(5) cars in the truck line at the U.S border.two men to get them put where they should have gone.GREAT JOB AGAIN.what would drivers do with out them. Heaven forbid.

  10. 10/14/23 @ 6:30 pm. a truck broke dwn on ramp to cnd truck inspection. bridge worker and tow got there.worker blocked lanes so tow could be hooked up.then followed him so he could make all the turns without hitting other trucks there.this worker is an asset to the bridge and should be told so.great job again.A+ A +

  11. was told all cams working.the one on bridge shows a great picture of the bridge,Niagara river and cnd coastline.great job all the way.and wear u-r poppy until 11/30.lest we forget what it stands for,all those who gave their all from the great war to today,Democracy.have a safe holiday season,be safe.George.

  12. 12-27-23. help.who are they.20 trac/trailer all dressed up.took up about 80% of cnd parking shot side by pull ups.wonderful to know that this team are ALL PROS in CND and USA.

  13. 1-28-24… took hrs&two big tow trucks,2 bridge workers to remove tanker broke dwn on the CND ramp to tow truck took power unit the other trailer.
    and kept traffic moving slow to get on tie ups.
    this rates a A+A+A=.great job all the way around.
    be safe out there. Pay attention to ur surroundings.

  14. 3-17-24.Cnd and US road team back in 00:12 hrs.
    wonderful looking trucks.excellant drivers.backed in one shot.some thinking to proud of them using our highways.

  15. Turned on pc at 4:52 4/6/24.coming out of CND to USA
    were ten Kane Brown trucks on tour. Looked very sharp.his picture all around them. First stop Buffalo 4/6/24.them look out USA he is all over it.enjoy the show if you get to safe and aware of your surroundings.

  16. 5/13/24. Very heart braking.trucks lined up from Cnd Qew across the bridge to U.S.A side. Three lanes working.must be shortage off workers?very very hard to is 9:20 pm and still lined up.Why?????????

  17. 4/14/24. Congrats.U S A had four lanes open for trucks.bridge clean at10:07 pm.great job.

  18. o-k U S A.trucks lined up all the way to the QEW.give that one man some help.thank you.

  19. ^6/6/2024.time 19:29 pm.
    Thank you Canada customs for helping that poor women get across the bridge. She had a very hard time all the way across. God Bless you all.I was tempted to call u-r 905-9** 9**** number.

  20. time,1539 hrs.19 June 24.congrats to all custom agents.
    It only needs one to start a bad trend. Very good to help all of you. George

  21. 6/15/24.I see that there is a shortage of workers at the CND side for trucks to get home. Think I will apply for a fill in job.

  22. 15 June 24.Darn it.I guess I will not get the job.and I was going to do it for coffee and Tim Hurton

  23. 6/16/24 @ 1440 hrs.what would people do with out this wonderful bridge. Trucks and cars bumper to bumper both ways. And the bridge workers that handle it.a+++++ to them. Good job.

  24. 19June 2024.time 0940 hrs. Thank you Cnd customs.they check that man out and helped him. Great job again. A+++++.

  25. 21 June 2024.0948 hrs. Wrong time right place. Big truck using short cut to USA where cars and busses travel. CND customs just happen to be sitting there. Driver got a good talking to and was led off by customs. Wrong time, right is happening more each day. A+

  26. 9/19/2024.11:40 hrs.
    Bridge workers.24/7.on the job helping people matter what the weather is.
    what would we do without them? Give them a thumbs up if you can.
    Than you.

  27. It’s 10:00 pm in Thailand and 10:00 am in Buffalo. Heard about a huge snow storm in the northeast especially in Buffalo and the south shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario.
    Checked the Peace Bridge webcams and to my surprise nothing, nada, rien, not a single snowflake on the ground. Even local news are fake news nowadays.

  28. 12/1/24.12:30 am. drivers coming from CND are so bad that on the U.S side two of the custom agents had to set them in the right direction. And that got the job done in a hurry. CONGRATULATIONS. a five star job.

  29. 12/03/24.///11:10 am.all cameras working. Great job by all. Have a good day. Drive safe. Now four that four letter word. Snow on the way.

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