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Two Sheep Farm Webcams on Texel
These two sheep farm webcams are not the ones to watch if you’re having trouble sleeping. Yes, you can count the sheep, both in the barns and in the fields, but if it’s lambing season you may well find yourself wide awake and totally captivated by their antics.
The woolly creatures you can view on these live feeds live on farms on Texel which is one of the West Frisan Islands, an archipelago in the Wadden Sea off the northwest coast of the Netherlands. It’s a pretty remote location, but the sheep don’t seem to mind. They’re also not much bothered that Texel is actually pronounced Tessel rather than T-exel. As you can see on the cams, they’re quite content as long as there’s plenty of grass and hay to chew on and even happier once they’ve had their annual haircut.