The Barber Shop in Buckingham

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The Barber Shop in Buckingham

Buzz cut, crew cut, undercut and fade. They’re all types of haircuts you’ll see someone wearing as they walk in and out of the door of the Barber Shop in the town of Buckingham.

Thankfully what you won’t see is any pie making in the style of Sweeney Todd so don’t start to panic if you see a customer with their face covered. That’s all part of the hot towel shave treatment and they’re not about to be dismembered or be passed off as a substitute for steak and kidney at the local butcher.

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2 thoughts on “The Barber Shop in Buckingham

  1. Hello Buckingham Barbers, I am an old dude from Ohio who stumbled onto your camera sight a couple years ago. Please don’t think I’m weird, but when I tune in for a while somedays I find watching you cut hair very relaxing. I’m struck by the quality of the haircuts even from this distance. I am bald, but if I ever get to England, I plan on stopping by for a head shave and ‘stache trim. As an aside, I miss the former camera angle before you were on hiatus a few weeks. It showed the pole, street, bike ,etc. Also both front room customers. But hey, it’s still interesting seeing who comes in the door. I appreciate the casual view of English life. You’ve got a fan!

  2. Thank you for restoring the camera angle which takes in both the barbershop, and a good view of the front door and street with its pedestrians! I also kind of missed the view of the cool bike. Nuff said…clip on!

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