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Roanoke Railway Cams
Just a single train a day passes through this station at Roanoke, but for 38 years previous to 2017 there were none at all, with the town languishing in the shadow of its former glory. Now the town is completely revitalized with the railroad and its colorful history a major part of that.
The station is unmanned with no baggage service and all tickets are prepaid. The train times are as follows so you can watch them go past, thanks to Bruce in the comments for this updated info:
— Monday-Friday passenger train schedule: Amtrak #176 departs 06:32; #151 arrives 13:00; #66 departs 16:30; #171 arrives 22:06.
— Amtrak weekend service: #156 departs 08:24(Sa)/08:45(Su) (#156); #151 arrives 13:00; #66 departs 16:30; #147(Sa)/#145(Su) arrives 21:59.
Your description misrepresents the rail traffic that can be seen on the Hotel Roanoke’s railcams: 40-50 freight trains come through daily, and a second round-trip Amtrak passenger train was added on 11 July 2022.
— Monday-Friday passenger train schedule: Amtrak #176 departs 06:32; #151 arrives 13:00; #66 departs 16:30; #171 arrives 22:06.
— Amtrak weekend service: #156 departs 08:24(Sa)/08:45(Su) (#156); #151 arrives 13:00; #66 departs 16:30; #147(Sa)/#145(Su) arrives 21:59.
Both railcams on the Virtual Railfan network at the Virginia Museum of Transportation, just west of the Amtrak platform, offer closer views of the passing freights, but their views of the passenger platform are obstructed.