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Rescue Kittens Webcams in Fort Langley
Welcome to the maternity ward of the TinyKittens Society cat refuge village in Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada. It’s a busy one too.
Part of what they do at the TinyKittens Society is care for feral cat mums. They give them a safe place to give birth and lick their kittens into shape. And as you watch, you’ll notice, mother cats do a lot of licking. The TinyKittens Society also looks after feral cats that have been injured. They’re given the medical care they need and then time to recuperate before being re-released or adopted. As well as doing all of those things, which is enough to keep anyone fully occupied, the society studies feral cat behaviour so we have a better understanding of these amazing felines. Keep watching the feeds and you just might spot the kitty that loves to suck its paw between feeding times. That’s too cute for words.