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Regal Leisure Pool Club Webcams in Portadown
Pool is one of several different games known as cue sports, a genre that includes snooker. To the uneducated eye, at first glance, snooker and pool may seem like the same game or appear very similar. And they are in some ways. Playing either involves smashing coloured balls around a table covered in green or blue baize with a long wooden stick with the objective of sending one or more, if you’re a good shot or just downright lucky, into a hole. But that’s pretty much where the similarities end.
The game of pool itself has many variations, but it’s thought to have been developed from another cue sport, billiards, which is played with a lot less balls. If you’ve been searching for a sporting activity that requires little physical activity and doesn’t make your body ache, congratulations, you’ve found it. Along with darts, another activity classed as a sport that requires minimum physical input, pool has been a popular pub game for decades. As pool is classed as a sport, is there any better excuse for going to the pub or club for a pint and a game rather than hitting the gym? Probably not.
While the standard of play you’ll be able to view on these live feeds isn’t always quite up to the level of the professionals who earn a fortune playing the game at international level, it’s still entertaining. Entertaining enough to have you on the edge of your seat and holding your breath to see if the selected ball is going to drop into a pocket or not.