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Pasco Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Cam
You could say that Pasco in Franklin County, Washington, is an effluent city or should that be affluent? Both affluent and effluent are actually relevant in this case as the city is in the process of constructing a new wastewater treatment plant which is, in any shape or form, a large investment.
The purpose of the plant you can view being constructed on this cam will be to ensure that any water that finally finds its way back into the Columbia River is as clean as can possibly be. The treatment processes that will be used at the plant are seriously thorough. If you can envisage solids being thickened in primary clarifiers or wastewater being disinfected with ultraviolet light, you’ve probably got a technically-inclined brain otherwise the thought is simply mind boggling. Kudos where kudos are due so a big thumbs up to the City of Pasco authorities for making sure the Columbia River stays as unpolluted as possible. That can only be a good thing.