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North Sunderland Harbour Webcams in Seahouses
If you typed seahorse webcam into your search bar and find yourself viewing this collection of live feeds, you’re not going to see any of those cute aquatic creatures. They do exist in British waters, but are not likely to pop their heads above the waves so don’t hold out false hope. What you will need to do is check your spelling because you’ve landed in Seahouses which, while having only a one letter variation in its spelling, is something completely different. Stay a while though and you’ll find these live feeds great viewing especially if you like boats or seagulls.
Seahouses is a fishing village on the northeast coast of England. The stretch of coast where it’s located is known as the North Northumberland coast which is dotted with many similar villages including Seahouses close neighbour, North Sunderland. The Seahouses harbour is definitely one to keep an eye on as not only do the local fishing boats set sail from there, the ferry service to the Farne Islands and seal spotting excursion do too.
Fishing for herrings that are then smoked and turned into kippers isn’t all that goes on in Seahouses. Once a year in mid-June the village hosts a sea shanty festival. That’s when shanty-singing groups from all over the country descend on Seahouses to give their vocals some exercise performing the traditional seafarers songs. That, without a doubt, is guaranteed to be a lot more ear-pleasing than the constant squawking of the seagulls that circle over the inner harbour.