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Lausanne City Webcam
Imagine a typical Swiss city and you’ll probably conjure up a mental image of somewhere like Laussnane. Colorful low-rise buildings, spired churches, a lake-front location and incomplete without the requisite backdrop of snow capped mountains. Lausanne, built on the shore of stunning Lake Léman, has all of those and more, but neither of these Lausanne live feeds focus on anything even half as scenic as that.
The Place de la Palud is the city’s main square. Squint hard enough and you may just be able to discern the gilded and enameled statue atop the Fontaine de Justice at the far end of the lens range. It adds a much needed touch of brightness to the rest of the square’s Gothic gray drab. Click into the Pont Bessiéres webcam, stare over the rooftops and you’ll get a peek of snowy Swiss peaks so long as clouds haven’t drifted in to hide them.