Hohenklingen Castle and Stein am Rhein

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Hohenklingen Castle and Stein am Rhein

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a king in the olden days, when kings and knights in shining armour were still a thing, and stand on the battlements of your castle surveying all you owned below, you’re about to find out or you will if you view this live feed long enough.

Hohenklingen Castle is a medieval castle dating from the beginning of the 13th century which perches on a hill high above the town of Stein am Rhein in northeast Switzerland. With this webcam you get a king’s eye view of the town where it’s intersected by the meandering River Rhine and the green rolling hills of the canton of Schaffhausen surrounding it.

While it’s a pleasant view, and one any king would be rightfully proud of, in medieval times they didn’t need to squint through raindrops and condensation on the cam lens to see it.  The lack of technology, on occasions, may well have been an advantage.

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