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Elbe Estuary & Neuwerk Island from Duhnen Strand, Cuxhaven
If you find it hard to imagine what a seaside resort in Germany would look like, you can now stop trying. With this webcam streaming from Duhnen Beach on the Elbe Estuary you can see it and our guess is, even if you got the lack of sunshine right, it’s totally different to how you thought it would be.
Duhnen was once a town in its own right, but now it, and it’s impressive beach, are part of the city of Cuxhaven. For Cuxhaven that’s a win-win situation all round because, as you can see on the cam, the beach and promenades stretch for miles and miles.
Get ready for a surprise when the cam pans. It’s not Neuwerk Island somewhere in the misty distance that comes into view, but something a little more colorful wearing a bright yellow hat and raincoat as well as some white-spotted purple wellies. Lovely!