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Donkeys on Goldy’s Farm in Ipswich
If Eeyore is your favourite character in the Winnie the Pooh stories, you’ll love this live feed streaming from Goldy’s Farm in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Even if he isn’t your favourite, you’ll love this cam and quite probably because these donkeys are nothing like the fictional character created by A. A. Milne in the 1920s.
Eeyore is a quiet, lazy, grey-blue, floppy-eared character with serious melancholic tendencies. The donkeys you’ll see on this feed are the exact opposite. They’re content and don’t mind having a good bray about how their day is going. Each one has their own, often outgoing, personality, but whether they’re jackasses or jennys is hard to tell.
Donkeys originate from the African continent and have been used as work animals, in one form or another, for centuries. That’s often led to the sturdy equines being overburdened, abused and neglected. Not at Goldy’s Farm though. At this Massachusetts sanctuary they live the life of Riley while providing therapy, along with the other farm animals, for veterans and seniors as well as the less able.
NB: And no, before you ask, the black and white one with the droopy horns isn’t a new breed of donkey, it’s Maybelline, and she’s a bovine. If you know what type of bovine she is, let us know in the comments.