Buckingham Palace Live Webcams

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Buckingham Palace Live Webcams

During events of interest, periodically news crews gather outside Buckingham Palace and stream a live feed from there.

Lots of activity like that occurred in the last year with the coronation of King Charles III.

There was plenty to see on the various webcams as the events of the day unfolded. Cheering crowds and countless flags lined the streets of the procession.

The bonus for those who watched the coronation procession via these cams? They didn’t need to look over anyone’s shoulder, no-one’s head blocked their view just as the King and Queen trundled past in their carriage and they didn’t need an umbrella when it rained.

The live feeds of Buckingham Palace come and go with various events now, so new streams will be added to this page when they are found.

14 thoughts on “Buckingham Palace Live Webcams

  1. Thank you so much for doing this It’s a great picture and if people can’t be there . This is the next best thing. Thanks.Mandy.xxxx

  2. to prince charles i would like to say i am so sorry about the Queen elizaberth she was really lovely and her service was good she kind got good smile but we all miss her cause she was the best queen in world she mad ervery one happy had lovely horse and a dog and i loved it . but also jubylee party was brilliant so thank you and will always think about her love from ricky weaver

  3. A very tough act to follow. What would the UK be without her and the Royal Family altogether? The United Republic? No. The whole nation would then become an interesting but dusty museum overnight. Great to be proud of one’s history – and what a great history – but to actually see it ongoing in a physical presence is to be part of something special. The whole world knows immediately this unique neighbor even with troubled history. As an outsider, it’s clear that this enduring line throughout history is what makes the UK, the UK. It’s not dead history, it’s ongoing. Its actually important. Very for cultural and yes, economic reasons. I respect Republicans, sure, but it’s a bad fit here. Who wants to visit the ancient island of Kings and Queens, for good and ill, without seeing the living and representative symbols of the ongoing 1000 year old British Monarchy? Do Brits really want to abandon what is truly what makes them unique? The line, albeit wobbly and chopped off here and there, from Alfred the Great, Edward the Confessor, Elizabeth I continues. That’s what the UK is. This Queen carried on to the end. She and her predecessors continue on through Charles III. On it goes when so much doesn’t. R.I.P. Elizabeth II.

  4. To His Majesty King Charles III,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all, during this time of great sadness.
    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, will be missed a great deal. She was a very loving mother and grandmother and great grandmother. She was a very strong woman, and she was a great ruler.
    God Bless You All.
    With my sincere condolences.
    April Ann Reed

  5. HRH Queen Elizabeth II will be surely missed. She was a beautiful Lady with a heart of gold. She was a very classy Lady who held the highest role in history as the longest reigning Monarch. She’s the only Monarch I have ever known and will be a hard act to follow. King Charles III has some very big shoes to fill, but I’m sure he will do his mother proud. R.I.P Your Majesty, you are finally with the love of your life, Prince Philip. You are much loved and surely missed.

  6. HRH Queen Elizabeth II will be very missed by us also here in Germany. She was a so bottom-stayed and worthy person with much love in her heart, for many people and around the world. She was/is a legend because of her longest role as the reigned Monarch in History.
    All the best and strong to her whole family.
    You will never be forgotten.
    R.I.P. Dear Majesty
    With sincere condolences

  7. Even here in America HRH Queen Elizabeth II, was truly loved and thought of as a tower of strength and leadership. What a wonderful woman she was and beautiful mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I have always been in Aw of her. My condolences to the royal family, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. God bless you all.

  8. I am proud.
    To se so good respect in this time!
    This give hope for the future.
    Thanks tho
    HRH Queen Elizabeth II .
    Evert Rosier.

  9. I was very shocked to hear of the Queens death she was the only monarch I grow up with and I watched every Christmas message the Queen put out. I send my condolences to the Queens family may god bless you all and may the angels look over you at this time and Gide you all though your lives. God bless you all.

  10. I live in the United States but I am on my maternal side of British heritage. It would have been a dream to meet Queen Elizabeth II. She was a beautiful, incredible woman.

  11. Dear King Charles II.
    I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother. We will miss her a great deal. I also wanted to say that I will be by your side your whole time reigning.
    Jasmine 10yrs old

  12. honesty I love the royals but in my book they are only rated 99/100 percent. You see are world doesn’t need royals we don’t need fame to survive all we need is each other. I love them sometimes but they can be ridiculous
    as well.

    Isaac Siegrist

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