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Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Webcams
Do giraffes sleep standing up or laying down?
Do giraffes sleep at all?
When you want to know what giraffes get up to, join the Animal Adventure Park Giraffe webcam’s live stream. There you’ll find first hand the answers to those and any more questions about giraffe behavior you might have. On the live feed you can watch the giraffes munching away on their favorite treat – carrots – or sticking their necks out of the barn doors when they’re nosing around. Giraffes are pretty curious to say the least.
The Animal Adventure Park, a safari park in Harpursville, Broome County, New York, is home to four adult female giraffes aged between three and eighteen years. Be a regular viewer of the giraffe webcams and you could even see a calf being born to one of these ‘vulnerable to extinction’ beauties.