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Air-Dried Meat Tracking Webcam from Vanoli in Thalwil
When you want something exceptionally good, you can’t always have it straight away. If your name is on one of those pieces of meat hanging in this ageing cabinet – fair play to you for being patient.
Air drying meat is a practice that’s been used in many countries around the world for centuries to preserve meat and fish. The Italians call their version bresaola, the Turkish variety is pastirma and the Chinese one, laap mei. While the Swiss do have the same type of thing, bündnerfleisch, this is not what’s ageing here as that’s not cooked before being eaten, but these cuts will be.
These chunky hunks of beef hanging in the air dryer at the Vanoli store in Thalwil in Switzerland are being prepared for master grillers. Get a sneaky look at some of the labels and you’ll see it can take months to go through the curing process. Order a piece in March and it might just be ready for a barbecue in summer. Until then guess it’s just burgers and hotdogs on the barbie menu.