College Lake Nature Reserve Webcam in Tring

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College Lake Nature Reserve Webcam in Tring

College Lake Nature Reserve is a prime example of mankind finally putting to rights the damage they’ve done to the land they inhabit. Once just a desolate, gaping hole left in the countryside after extensive chalk quarrying activities, College Lake Nature Reserve is now a sixty-five acre, water-filled haven for local wildlife managed by the BBOWT or in other words, the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust.

What you should be aware of is that while the cam is focused on the lake, the birds and other wildlife that have returned to inhabit the area can prove to be a little elusive. They have wings, feet and fins so you may need to wait a few minutes, or more, before you see some of the diverse species that now call College Lake home – albeit temporary in some cases if they’re migratory.

Keep watching, and if you’re in luck, you could spot wigeon, teal, sand martins, a kestrel or two or a great crested grebe paddling across the water. For the seriously beady-eyed lepidopterist, the one thing you’ll be wanting to keep an eye out for from April to late June is the Green Hairstreak. For the uneducated, that’s not the latest punk-style hairdo, but a relatively rare British butterfly. If you spot one, or anything else come to that, let us and the BBOWT know by posting in the comments.

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