Live Laundry Cams in Spokane and Washington

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Live Laundry Cams in Spokane and Washington

Viewing this webcam is quite likely to make your head spin especially if you can’t take your eyes off the machine drums as they whirl around at speed.

Spokane and Bremerton are two cities in Washington state where the folks don’t mind airing their dirty laundry in public. After all, they’re not in Washington DC where washing your dirty linen in public can lead to court cases or a presidential election. When anyone uses the pristine facilities you can see on this collection of webcams, with a bit of time and patience, a dash of detergent and a dose of fabric softener, what they end up with is a basket full of clean clothes. It’s a shame politicians don’t opt to use coin-operated laundromats, but then again, the news wouldn’t be anywhere near as entertaining.

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