Big Texan 72oz Steak Challenge Webcam in Amarillo

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Big Texan 72oz Steak Challenge Webcam in Amarillo

With a food challenge like this one that takes place at the Big Texan in Amarillo, you need to have an abundant meat supply. Thankfully, Texas isn’t short of beef although it might be soon if they don’t stop consuming 72oz steaks on a regular basis in this establishment.

In case you’re from somewhere that uses a metric weight system and are scratching your head trying to work out just how big 72oz is, it’s equivalent to around two and a quarter kilos. But meat is not all that’s included in the challenge. At the Big Texan you need to chomp your way through a shrimp cocktail starter and the sides that go with the slab of steak. Think baked potato, a buttered roll and some salad just to keep things healthy.

If you’re considering giving the Big Texan’s steak dinner challenge a go, chew on these statistics before you do. Over 90,000 attempts have been made in the sixty plus years since the challenge has been running. Only around 10% of challengers have managed to chomp their way through the menu, get their meal for free and enter into the Big Texan hall of fame. That’s not the best of odds, but as far as food challenges go definitely nothing to beef about.

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