Purdue University Northwest Bee Cam

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Purdue University Northwest Bee Cam

It’s good to know that the folks who take care of the bee hives at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, have a sense of humour. There’s nothing quite like stating the facts clearly, but guys, really?

We might not be attending the university, but it’s easy to discern the bees are alive as they’re flying in and out of the hive. The arrow pointing to the entrance, or is it exit, where the live bees are busily buzzing is what can only be called a slight over statement. If they weren’t alive, or in hibernation, then they’d probably be laying on their backs on the ground, hairy legs in the air, drunk after sipping too much fermented nectar or for want of a better word, dead. It’s good to see they’re not though and may the honey they produce taste as sweet as Hershey Kisses.  

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